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Prayer for family. A question.

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  • Prayer for family. A question.

    I honestly do pray that my family will see the truth. That they may have hearts of flesh instead of stone.

    I often wonder how I could start a dialouge with my brothers. They can both be rather trollish at times. Their theology is rather bad. They advocate subjective morality at times. How can I talk to them? How can anyone talk to them? I know it is possible. It happened to me.

  • #2

    Pray about it, study apologetics, but don't try to imagine what you'll say; just listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Humility tends to work much better than overwhelming argument.
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    I recommend you do not try too hard and ...research as little as possible. Such weighty things give me a headache. - Shunyadragon, Baha'i apologist


    • #3
      never give up. I didn't become a Christian till I was 40. and as I look back a lot of the reason I did was that I had some good Christians in my life. I looked up to them and their character and unconsciously I tried to be like them even while I sometimes mocked them for being "goody-two-shoes". So even if you can't reach them directly, be a good example for them. Even if they don't acknowledge it, they will be impressed by your character and integrity and associate it with being a Christian.


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