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Hugh Hefner is now in hell

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  • Originally posted by 37818 View Post
    Being proposed, does not answer the question as to what the evidence would be if it were infinite.
    The fact that from nothing, nothing comes, and yet there is an existing something, is pretty good evidence that the something is infinite.
    For one, your view of God is mythical. And so that substantive evidence of God is not even something you would even bother to consider - even if you knew of what would be that evidence.
    There is no substantive evidence, thats the point.

    Why should you? Let alone anyone else for that matter.
    Yes, that was the question.

    The meaning of the term or what can be observed? The mere meaning of the term can be understood to mean everything (known and not known to us). Limiting the term to mean what is physically observable, our known universe - cosmos as it is sometimes called.
    Okay, not sure where you're going with this.

    It is a supposition as to the supposed possibility of the observed universe actually being greater than what is observed to be finite.
    It is possible, and more likely than not, that the universe is infinite, yes, thats not something that can be proved one way or the other because its beyond our ability to detect.

    Uncaused Existence is the only thing which can be God. [Everything is not uncaused.]
    If the universe is itself infinite, then there is no such thing as a first cause, or a caused existence.

    A couple things here. Metaphysical arguments can be nonsensical. Not that they should be. Nowhere in this thread have I proposed any kind of Cosmological Argument. As you seem to resist that there is a fundamental difference between existence and cause. I have argued Uncaused Existence not the Uncaused Cause. The major typical flaw of the Cosmological Arguments is that any infinite regression is disallowed as being impossible.
    In order for there to be an infinite regression of cause and effect, time would be necessary, but time, it would seem, is not fundamental.
    Which never existed in reality.
    Right, and neither do any of the other gods exist, including yours.


    • Originally posted by seer View Post
      Then the question becomes, why wouldn't God be egalitarian, why offer salvation and the Gospel to one sinner and not the other? Is there something that makes Darth or Seer special?
      Like Paul says:

      Not everyone gets same chance of conversion, by plain scripture. How that is controversial is mystery.
      Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.


      • Originally posted by JimL View Post
        The fact that from nothing, nothing comes, and yet there is an existing something, is pretty good evidence that the something is infinite.
        That there is an uncaused existence. In that uncaused existence there are caused things which have also come into existence. Now was there always caused things? Is there an infinite regression of caused things where there was never being any first caused things? The Cosmological Argument says no. That there was an Uncaused Cause.

        There is no substantive evidence, that's the point.
        Oh, there is being no substantive evidence of existence? [Uncaused Existence being the only valid identity of God. Uncaused Existence being the reason for all other existence and needs no God.]

        Yes, that was the question.
        Uncaused Existence being the only valid identity of God.

        Okay, not sure where you're going with this.
        Words have meaning. Two people use the same word but mean different things. "Universe." "God." If we are going to use a term, we need to understand what is meant by its use. For example: all food is "organic."

        It is possible, and more likely than not, that the universe is infinite, yes, thats not something that can be proved one way or the other because its beyond our ability to detect.
        Maybe it is not possible for there to be an infinite universe that can be detected to be infinite.

        If the universe is itself infinite, then there is no such thing as a first cause, or a caused existence.
        Yes, yes and no. We could still have caused things - which have caused existence - there being no first causes. An infinite regression of ex nihilo things.

        In order for there to be an infinite regression of cause and effect, time would be necessary, but time, it would seem, is not fundamental.
        There is no absolute time now as we know it.

        Right, and neither do any of the other gods exist, including yours.
        For the sarcastically impaired the following is said in jest

        And JimL you do not exist.

        . . . the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; . . . -- Romans 1:16 KJV

        . . . that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: . . . -- 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 KJV

        Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: . . . -- 1 John 5:1 KJV


        • Originally posted by 37818 View Post
          Being proposed, does not answer the question as to what the evidence would be if it were infinite.
          There is considerable mathematical evidence for an infinite universe as opposed to that for an infinite deity, for which there is no credible evidence at all.

          For one, your view of God is mythical. And so that substantive evidence of God is not even something you would even bother to consider - even if you knew of what would be that evidence.
          Why should you? Let alone anyone else for that matter.
          One accepts what other's have to say based upon supportive evidence.

          The meaning of the term or what can be observed? The mere meaning of the term can be understood to mean everything (known and not known to us). Limiting the term to mean what is physically observable, our known universe - cosmos as it is sometimes called.
          It is a supposition as to the supposed possibility of the observed universe actually being greater than what is observed to be finite.
          Uncaused Existence is the only thing which can be God. [Everything is not uncaused.]
          A couple things here. Metaphysical arguments can be nonsensical. Not that they should be. Nowhere in this thread have I proposed any kind of Cosmological Argument. As you seem to resist that there is a fundamental difference between existence and cause. I have argued Uncaused Existence not the Uncaused Cause. The major typical flaw of the Cosmological Arguments is that any infinite regression is disallowed as being impossible.
          Which never existed in reality.
          They were just as real as your god, i.e. not real at all. .


          • Originally posted by JimL View Post
            Then don't attribute to your god the attribute of justice. If not one of us is any better than any other, we are all sinners, right, then there has to be a reason for a god to offer the one mercy and salvation, but not the other. You seem to think that's justice, but if it is, it is a type of justice as its defined only in your own mind.


            • You are confusing your naturalism with theism again.

              Even if a Christian doesn't believe in YEC, they still believe God started with an Adam and an Eve, who sinned and were then shown how to be saved again. They started with the knowledge. Apparently some of them did not think it worthwhile to keep the knowledge and turned to false gods.

              They are responsible for their actions. We all are. He gave everyone consciences. Even if you never knew about God, can you say you never did anything that you knew was morally wrong? That your actions never hurt another person? Of course not. You have sinned and you have sinned by your very own standards, so you have no excuse. Just like everyone else on Earth. Past and present.


              • Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                There is considerable mathematical evidence for an infinite universe as opposed to that for an infinite deity, for which there is no credible evidence at all.
                Your idea of deity is myth. My understanding is the Uncaused Existence is God. In order for there to be a mathematical model let alone an infinite universe there has to be an infinite Existence, an Uncaused Existence.

                I have already argued that uncaused existence in the only thing which can qualify as God. A personal mystical experience in and of itself does not guaranteed it was actually from God. But genuine Christians can be said to have this (John 7:17; John 17:3; 1 John 5:9-12; 2 Corinthians 13:5).

                One accepts what other's have to say based upon supportive evidence.
                Yes, the witness of others. Now the issue then becomes how or why or what constitutes acceptable supporting evidence - or if you can even have access to it. [67 moons of Jupiter. The number of protons and neutrons in an atom. And the like.]

                I do not. But if you are a materialist how can you not limit it to our known universe? The term universe can be understood to mean everything. Or only refer to creation. Depending on how one uses the term. Most all Christians limit the term to mean all creation after the creation of the angels, without given it thought about the angels which would included "God's Heaven." If one includes the Uncaused Existence being God - then the term universe means everything.

                Well, name one piece of this evidence. And please explain how we know it is infinite - and not just supposed.

                Remember that in science many things are predicted based upon existing knowledge long before they can be verified, e.g. Quarks, Cosmic Microwave Background...and it took fifty years to verify the predicted Higgs Boson (or God particle, as it was known).
                Yeah, but we are mostly taking it on faith based on testimony that such and such was done. Like from accepted text books. Maybe at best some photos from some of the experiments or data sheets with the mathematics explaining data - if we can understand the math.

                When these phenomena were first proposed there were no experiments on the drawing board to falsify them, but they were confidently predicted to exist.
                By logical deduction. Existence exists for one. If one has an infinite regression of existences or no infinite regress of existences - it is deduce that there is an "uncaused existence" either way. And nothingness in the truest sense of the word nothingness is what never was. Hence there was always an existence - uncaused existence. So either God is that uncaused existence or there is no God. And with the concept of God being the Uncaused Existence, if uncaused existence is not accepted as God, then God is not accepted as God. Denial of a concept does not make a concept not to exist. There are no square circles.

                But what matters is if they are true. And if true and we do not believe it what does it matter?

                They were just as real as your god, i.e. not real at all. .
                No. Which of them are identified as the "Uncaused Existence?" Only the Hebrew deity whose Name has been understood as the self-Existent. Exodus 3:14-15.
                . . . the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; . . . -- Romans 1:16 KJV

                . . . that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: . . . -- 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 KJV

                Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: . . . -- 1 John 5:1 KJV


                • And because those with a conversion agenda tell you that we all have knowledge of god ipso facto, thats what makes it so for you. You are using the bible in order to convince yourself, and others, that what the bible says is true.
                  The plain and obvious fact Sparko, is that neither you or I, nor anyone else, has knowledge of God, and if we did we would have no need to say that we believe. What you have knowledge of is the bible, which you've been taught to be the word of god, and so the circular thinking goes.


                  • Originally posted by JimL View Post
                    And because those with a conversion agenda tell you that we all have knowledge of god ipso facto, thats what makes it so for you. You are using the bible in order to convince yourself, and others, that what the bible says is true.
                    The plain and obvious fact Sparko, is that neither you or I, nor anyone else, has knowledge of God, and if we did we would have no need to say that we believe. What you have knowledge of is the bible, which you've been taught to be the word of god, and so the circular thinking goes.

                    I love it! When you and Tassman want to show how the bible is wrong you first try to argue by taking things out of context and twisting it as much as you can. But when finally you can't convince anyone with your distortions, you resort to "well the bible isn't true anyway, so nyah!"

                    I was explaining how salvation works in Christian theology and that people don't go to hell for "not believing in God"
                    You don't have to accept the theology, but you can't try to argue against the theology using the bible and then when that doesn't work, just say well it isn't true anyway!


                    • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                      I love it! When you and Tassman want to show how the bible is wrong you first try to argue by taking things out of context and twisting it as much as you can. But when finally you can't convince anyone with your distortions, you resort to "well the bible isn't true anyway, so nyah!"

                      I was explaining how salvation works in Christian theology and that people don't go to hell for "not believing in God"
                      You don't have to accept the theology, but you can't try to argue against the theology using the bible and then when that doesn't work, just say well it isn't true anyway!
                      Tell me then Sparko, if people believe in God, are they saved? You already answered that in the affirmative. So, if they don't believe in God, then they are not saved, right? And yet in either case, whether believer or non-believer, they are both sinners, correct? Ergo, being saved or going to hell is dependent upon nothing other than whether you believe in god or not. Spin does one no good when the spinner is only fooling himself.


                      • Originally posted by JimL View Post
                        Tell me then Sparko, if people believe in God, are they saved? You already answered that in the affirmative. So, if they don't believe in God, then they are not saved, right? And yet in either case, whether believer or non-believer, they are both sinners, correct? Ergo, being saved or going to hell is dependent upon nothing other than whether you believe in god or not. Spin does one no good when the spinner is only fooling himself.
                        The key is repentance, Jim.
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                        I recommend you do not try too hard and ...research as little as possible. Such weighty things give me a headache. - Shunyadragon, Baha'i apologist


                        • Originally posted by JimL View Post
                          Tell me then Sparko, if people believe in God, are they saved? You already answered that in the affirmative. So, if they don't believe in God, then they are not saved, right? And yet in either case, whether believer or non-believer, they are both sinners, correct? Ergo, being saved or going to hell is dependent upon nothing other than whether you believe in god or not. Spin does one no good when the spinner is only fooling himself.
                          I went over this previously.

                          If you are in prison for murder, and you can get out by asking for a pardon, and you don't ask for a pardon, that doesn't mean you are in prison for not asking for a pardon. You are in prison for murder.

                          so yes believing in God (accepting Jesus as your savior) will save you and if you don't you will end up in hell FOR THE SINS YOU COMMITTED.

                          If you don't want to go to hell, then don't sin. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


                          • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                            I went over this previously.

                            If you are in prison for murder, and you can get out by asking for a pardon, and you don't ask for a pardon, that doesn't mean you are in prison for not asking for a pardon. You are in prison for murder.

                            so yes believing in God (accepting Jesus as your savior) will save you and if you don't you will end up in hell FOR THE SINS YOU COMMITTED.

                            If you don't want to go to hell, then don't sin. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
                            My mother used make me behave by threatening that the Bogeyman would get me if I was naughty. This is the same thing for grown-ups...well immature grown-ups.

                            Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                            You are confusing your naturalism with theism again.

                            Even if a Christian doesn't believe in YEC, they still believe God started with an Adam and an Eve, who sinned and were then shown how to be saved again. They started with the knowledge. Apparently some of them did not think it worthwhile to keep the knowledge and turned to false gods.

                            They are responsible for their actions. We all are. He gave everyone consciences. Even if you never knew about God, can you say you never did anything that you knew was morally wrong? That your actions never hurt another person? Of course not. You have sinned and you have sinned by your very own standards, so you have no excuse. Just like everyone else on Earth. Past and present.
                            Last edited by Tassman; 10-25-2017, 12:55 AM.


                            • Originally posted by 37818 View Post
                              Your idea of deity is myth. My understanding is the Uncaused Existence is God. In order for there to be a mathematical model let alone an infinite universe there has to be an infinite Existence, an Uncaused Existence.
                              Your understanding is unsupported by credible evidence.

                              I have already argued that uncaused existence in the only thing which can qualify as God.
                              A personal mystical experience in and of itself does not guaranteed it was actually from God. But genuine Christians can be said to have this (John 7:17; John 17:3; 1 John 5:9-12; 2 Corinthians 13:5).
                              Yes, the witness of others. Now the issue then becomes how or why or what constitutes acceptable supporting evidence - or if you can even have access to it. [67 moons of Jupiter. The number of protons and neutrons in an atom. And the like.]
                              I do not. But if you are a materialist how can you not limit it to our known universe? The term universe can be understood to mean everything. Or only refer to creation. Depending on how one uses the term. Most all Christians limit the term to mean all creation after the creation of the angels, without given it thought about the angels which would included "God's Heaven." If one includes the Uncaused Existence being God - then the term universe means everything.
                              Science is only limited by the tools at its disposal to investigate the universe(s), whereas religion views the universe through the distorted lens religious presuppositions. Oh, and the creation of what angels?

                              Well, name one piece of this evidence. And please explain how we know it is infinite - and not just supposed.

                              How do you
                              Yeah, but we are mostly taking it on faith based on testimony that such and such was done. Like from accepted text books. Maybe at best some photos from some of the experiments or data sheets with the mathematics explaining data - if we can understand the math.
                              By logical deduction. Existence exists for one. If one has an infinite regression of existences or no infinite regress of existences - it is deduce that there is an "uncaused existence" either way. And nothingness in the truest sense of the word nothingness is what never was. Hence there was always an existence - uncaused existence. So either God is that uncaused existence or there is no God. And with the concept of God being the Uncaused Existence, if uncaused existence is not accepted as God, then God is not accepted as God. Denial of a concept does not make a concept not to exist. There are no square circles.
                              But what matters is if they are true. And if true and we do not believe it what does it matter?
                              We have no way of knowing if they are true.

                              No. Which of them are identified as the "Uncaused Existence?" Only the Hebrew deity whose Name has been understood as the self-Existent. Exodus 3:14-15.
                              So? And what would Exodus 3:14-15 know about it?


                              • Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                                Your understanding is unsupported by credible evidence.
                                His only argument is that there is no scientific evidence for a god that he claims Christians believe in. His whole argument is dishonest. One has to decide whether the universe (meaning everything that is) simply happens to be what is, or that something not a part of it brought it into existence. Science can not touch that question.
                                Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?


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