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I Really Hate Porn

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  • I Really Hate Porn

    What makes pornography so bad?



    What is so degrading about pornography? Let's plunge into the Deeper Waters and find out.

    In my office where I write my blog from, I have two pictures. One is on my desk. One is on my bookshelf. There are some other pictures in here, but these are my favorite ones. These are both pictures of my wife Allie.

    I look at them and I think that I married a beautiful woman.

    I also think that I am the man she trusts her very self to and all of her beauty to.

    That is not to brag about me! Not a bit! I still don't understand it! I'm just a nerdy little apologist. The song Angel Eyes with the line of "What you're doing with a clown like me is surely one of life's little mysteries" fits so well.

    I'm not the only one who wonders this. There's a story that when my mother found out I was dating Allie, my sister showed her some of Allie's pictures on Facebook. My Mom apparently said, "Good grief. How did he get a girl like her?" Allie thought I would be insulted hearing it. Not a bit. I took it as a compliment. How could I be insulted when I ask myself the same thing?

    There's also the reality that as an Aspie, my diet has always been unusual. My parents tried to work with several people for years to get me to change. Didn't budge an inch. Allie did it easily within marriage and hardly had to try. Could it be female beauty is a motivator?

    I have been terrified of water for years. It was a long time after my conversion before I was even baptized. When we went on our honeymoon at Ocean Isle Beach, Allie got me in five feet of water in the pool away from the edge and into waist deep water in the ocean. I was still scared silly, especially in the pool, but I did it.

    Could it be female beauty is a motivator?

    I don't care for the movie or the book, but I did watch Heaven Is For Real and there's a scene where the husband of the family is saying he does not want to go somewhere, I think it was Denver. The wife comes out and talks to him. She says something like, "Really? Because I thought we could" and then goes and whispers in his ear.

    The next thing you hear is him immediately telling the kids to pack the bags.

    Every husband understands that scene.

    You see, Allie sharing her body with me is an expression of love and trust to me. It is a great motivator and confidence builder. Many women think sex is a physical need for men, and while the physical is there, it is also a great emotional need. It is what makes us feel close and desired by our wives. It resonates deeply with the heart of a man. It's the loudest way my wife tells me that I am her man.

    That's why I hate pornography.

    Now I know some women could be reading this and saying, "Pornography is also a struggle for many women!" I know it is. I'm not denying that. I am speaking as a man and from the perspective of a man. You can try to extrapolate what you can for the female.

    I don't struggle with porn, but I have a sympathy for guys who do. I understand it some. I mean, God made women beautiful. It is no sin to think that. It would be crazy to not think that. We men always notice beautiful women. I can't go through the grocery store without noticing beautiful women. If the only argument I had for the existence of God was the beauty of the human female form, it would be more than enough.

    Pornography cheapens that. It tells me that if I want to get a woman's beauty, all I need to do is click a button on my computer. Really? How does that make me a man? Any guy can do that. I can click a button if I want to buy a book on Amazon. Doesn't make me a man.

    If anything, I think watching porn will make you less of a man. After all, no need to go out there and win over the woman. Can't do it? Go watch porn. Wife's not in the mood tonight? Okay. Go click on a link and just watch some other woman. Get your fix in. (Which also means you end up treating women like objects.)

    That requires no real effort. Anytime Allie trusts me with herself, it is her telling me that I have shown myself to be a trustworthy man and she knows she can be completely vulnerable to me. You don't get that from porn. Porn requires nothing of you.

    And let's be honest. The woman on the screen you're watching? She doesn't know about you. She doesn't have any passionate thoughts about you. She doesn't care about you. She is not aiming to please you. She is just doing a job for her.

    By the way, let's also be clear. Some women are not in the field by choice. The sex trafficking industry captures a number of women and they are forced into this kind of thing. Yes. Watching pornography could be also encouraging the sex trafficking of women.

    Pornography would also be me telling Allie that somehow, she is inadequate. Her body is not enough. I need another female body. Why on Earth would I want to do that? I'm more than amazed I got the woman that I got! Am I tempted? Of course. We all have struggles of the flesh, but I would not want to give up a lifetime of Allie for a quick glance at another woman.

    It's also why I have no desire to have an affair and why I watch myself around other women. I don't want to have something come back and haunt me later on. I don't want to raise the slightest rumor that I'm in any way unfaithful to my wife, and I realize there can indeed be set-ups like that. I fully support the rule of people like Billy Graham and Mike Pence.

    I also have a theory about the commercials I often hear driving. I hear so many commercials about erectile dysfunction here. I think pornography could be one of the reasons. I think some men have spent so much time being aroused by fake women and they need more and more that a real woman no longer turns them on.

    It's been eight years for Allie and I and she is still the woman that drives me wild and her beauty never gets tiring.

    Also men, pornography will not tell you what real love is like with a woman. Anytime we see a sex scene even in a movie or a TV show, my wife and I know it's unrealistic. In the movies, everything always works and flows perfectly. No one makes mistakes or has a learning curve and there's never anything that goes wrong. Not at all realistic. Sadly also something that is missed is that you don't hit your peak immediately, but that's a good thing. It just keeps getting better. Why would it not? I spend my marriage diving into the ocean of one woman instead of wading in the shallow pools of many.

    Keep in mind what I am agreeing to guys. Women are beautiful. That's something clear in reality and clear in Scripture. We might hesitate to speak sexually, but Scripture sure doesn't! I happen to think woman as the last creation of God was meant to be God giving us an image of beauty. If we ever have a daughter one day, I want to name her some variant of Eve. Why? I want her to know that she is a representative of God's beauty on this Earth and every man out there better treat her beauty as sacred.

    That's what it comes down to in many ways. Pornography does not treat a woman's beauty as sacred. It treats it as cheap and common.

    Now of course, many men are struggling with porn out there. I think we need to give them support and understanding if they are really wanting to get past it. This includes wives of such men. Don't compromise, but try to work with them. If they really want to get past it, give them your support.

    If you are married, be thankful for your wife. Enjoy her love. Scripture commands you to, but hey, that's a pretty easy command to follow. When Scripture tells me to rejoice in the wife of my youth I can playfully say, "Well sure, God. If you really insist...." As if I needed any encouragement!

    Pornography treats women in a cheap way. If you treat one woman like that, you treat all of them like that. Treasure the woman that you have. If you love the one woman you do have, you are showing love to all women.

    In Christ,
    Nick Peters

  • #2
    My big thought about porn is a question. Why is this pre teen garbage referred to as adult material? I sure do not see it as adult.
    Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?


    • #3
      It isn't. It's for manchilds who have adult bodies but are childish in their approach to sexuality.


      • #4
        I don't remember the quote exactly, but GK Chesterton said something like that you cannot take credit for not falling into a sin you are not tempted by. I think I'm very lucky in that regard based on what I've heard. I've actually been told that I must be lying that I do not view pornography because it's just something all men do.
        "I am not angered that the Moral Majority boys campaign against abortion. I am angry when the same men who say, "Save OUR children" bellow "Build more and bigger bombers." That's right! Blast the children in other nations into eternity, or limbless misery as they lay crippled from "OUR" bombers! This does not jell." - Leonard Ravenhill


        • #5
          Originally posted by KingsGambit View Post
          I don't remember the quote exactly, but GK Chesterton said something like that you cannot take credit for not falling into a sin you are not tempted by. I think I'm very lucky in that regard based on what I've heard. I've actually been told that I must be lying that I do not view pornography because it's just something all men do.
          Agreed. We all have our own temptations. I, for instance, am seriously not tempted with gluttony in the sense of overeating. It's just not in me. Pride is something I have to be more on the watch for.


          • #6
            Originally posted by KingsGambit View Post
            I don't remember the quote exactly, but GK Chesterton said something like that you cannot take credit for not falling into a sin you are not tempted by. I think I'm very lucky in that regard based on what I've heard. I've actually been told that I must be lying that I do not view pornography because it's just something all men do.
            I believe all doors should be explored to help people, as long as its based in sound wisdom. I see nothing wrong with Nick, as a married faithful man, to give his opinion and admonish other men who fail to live up to the standard he himself conveys. He also urges patience in dealing with people who deal with this vice. And that is wise. Less than 10% of single men who deal with this vice will have success. St. Paul himself more or less told men who couldn't live celibately with integrity to get married, as that was better than 'burning up'.

            Personally I'm very careful on advising people who deal with this vice.

            I advice regular daily prayer and as far as reasonable possible to break connection with it. If the vice is particularly deep seated, formed over decades, I also advice to trust God's mercy and continue seeking that, even if you fall ten thousand times in trying to be pure. Seek something else to occupy the built up energies and to soak up frustration. Eat good and exercise. Beyond a wholesome discipline, men with deep seated habits should be gentle with themselves. As they age, as long as they don't keep 'stoking the coals', the fire should sublimate slowly but surely.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Leonhard View Post
              I believe all doors should be explored to help people, as long as its based in sound wisdom. I see nothing wrong with Nick, as a married faithful man, to give his opinion and admonish other men who fail to live up to the standard he himself conveys. He also urges patience in dealing with people who deal with this vice. And that is wise. Less than 10% of single men who deal with this vice will have success. St. Paul himself more or less told men who couldn't live celibately with integrity to get married, as that was better than 'burning up'.

              Personally I'm very careful on advising people who deal with this vice.

              I advice regular daily prayer and as far as reasonable possible to break connection with it. If the vice is particularly deep seated, formed over decades, I also advice to trust God's mercy and continue seeking that, even if you fall ten thousand times in trying to be pure. Seek something else to occupy the built up energies and to soak up frustration. Eat good and exercise. Beyond a wholesome discipline, men with deep seated habits should be gentle with themselves. As they age, as long as they don't keep 'stoking the coals', the fire should sublimate slowly but surely.
              I in no way intended to brag about me with this. I do not mean at all I am above sexual temptation. Definitely not. I just don't with porn. Heck. Anytime something pops up, Allie understands, but I run and tell her immediately because I don't want to be hiding anything from her. I absolutely hate it.

              One of the best organizations to help men I think is Celebrate Recovery. When I meet men in my own mens' group on Facebook who struggle with this, I'm never hard on them. Reality is they're already being hard on themselves. Why add to it? Why make it worse? These guys want to change and if people know they're in sin and want to change, we come alongside them.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Apologiaphoenix View Post
                I in no way intended to brag about me with this. I do not mean at all I am above sexual temptation. Definitely not. I just don't with porn. Heck. Anytime something pops up, Allie understands, but I run and tell her immediately because I don't want to be hiding anything from her. I absolutely hate it.
                I don't think I claimed you were bragging. And there's nothing wrong with an appropriate admonishment. Though reassuring people you're not bragging is also not the way to go about it. If someone read you as bragging and you said that, it'd be a bit like going "Hey, not bragging here, but look over there, a really big house. That's mine. And I love it and its beautiful. And I'm not bragging, but checkout the car. Its really great. Totally being honest you, I'm a humble guy, I could have been poor - like you - but I'm rich."

                I read you as being happy about your wife, happy that you don't have a porn addiction, calling porn gross and demeaning to women, all of which is true. I'd go beyond that and even target hand drawn porn, as it seperates us from reality even if it does not directly affect anyone, and it has all the other hazards you describe. You say that porn makes someone less of a man. Warn of erectile dysfunction, which you don't suffer of apparently. Etc... That's the admonishment part. And its fine. You don't proceed with the carrot; You urge patience and understanding with men like that, which I also concur with.

                I don't say struggle with it, when I describe what I'm describing. Someone who is struggling with it is someone who isn't falling that often. Someone who isn't struggling with it, doesn't even have that issue. Its a non-thing for them. I'm talking about people who fall daily. With emphasis on fall. Maybe even multiple times per day. That's what I'd call a deep seated addiction. And I'd consider that different than a husband who occasionally ventures into the darker avenues of the internet. I don't know how to advice a man who lives with a woman. That's more your territory. I try only to help other single guys here. For various reasons I try to avoid other guys struggling with homosexuality.

                My advice I've stated in my former post. In my experience it works if you let it.

                One of the best organizations to help men I think is Celebrate Recovery.
                Above all I recommend Courage. I don't think anyone holds a candle to them in terms of this, though they're more focused at helping people who struggle with homosexuality, they also have materials on porn addiction and masturbation that can help heterosexual singles, and even married men and women.


                I'd encourage it even for non-Catholics.

                When I meet men in my own mens' group on Facebook who struggle with this, I'm never hard on them. Reality is they're already being hard on themselves. Why add to it? Why make it worse? These guys want to change and if people know they're in sin and want to change, we come alongside them.
                If sin was an illness then the Church is a hospital. No one stays away from a hospital because they're too sick. No one should stay away from Church because they're too great a sinner.


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