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System of the Beast makes perfect sense today

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  • #31
    How ironic is this...

    Even if you don't believe this is setting the stage of end times, you got to admit that digital cash will eventually overshadow physical currency for reasons given in the article and in the OP. When it happens, it will be the single greatest oppressive system and suppression of freedom ever instituted on civilization.


    • #32
      Originally posted by seanD View Post
      How ironic is this...

      Even if you don't believe this is setting the stage of end times, you got to admit that digital cash will eventually overshadow physical currency for reasons given in the article and in the OP. When it happens, it will be the single greatest oppressive system and suppression of freedom ever instituted on civilization.
      I find it to be tremendously troubling.
      "I am not angered that the Moral Majority boys campaign against abortion. I am angry when the same men who say, "Save OUR children" bellow "Build more and bigger bombers." That's right! Blast the children in other nations into eternity, or limbless misery as they lay crippled from "OUR" bombers! This does not jell." - Leonard Ravenhill


      • #33
        Originally posted by KingsGambit View Post
        I find it to be tremendously troubling.
        Meh. It'll be hard to achieve integration of even all the existing cashless systems eg Visa payWave, Paypal, Google Wallet, Amazon's system etc.

        Okay, if you consider an isolated nation, it could well be feasible in the long run. But bring in the international nature of many transactions and the inter-national legislation required will be a massive headache.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Paprika View Post
          Meh. It'll be hard to achieve integration of even all the existing cashless systems eg Visa payWave, Paypal, Google Wallet, Amazon's system etc.

          Okay, if you consider an isolated nation, it could well be feasible in the long run. But bring in the international nature of many transactions and the inter-national legislation required will be a massive headache.


          • #35
            "this" is vague. That cashless systems will be more and more popular? Sure. That there will be one and only one global cashless system a la futurism? Very unlikely.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Paprika View Post
              "this" is vague. That cashless systems will be more and more popular? Sure. That there will be one and only one global cashless system a la futurism? Very unlikely.
              I take it you're a preterist.


              • #37
                Originally posted by seanD View Post
                I take it you're a preterist.
                I take it as basic that the first half of the Olivet discourse refers to events that would happen within the lifetime of that generation. With regards to the Revelation I have no firm opinion. This aspect of eschatology isn't something that I view as very important.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Paprika View Post
                  I take it as basic that the first half of the Olivet discourse refers to events that would happen within the lifetime of that generation. With regards to the Revelation I have no firm opinion. This aspect of eschatology isn't something that I view as very important.
                  I take it you're also not very privy to economics, particularly global economics.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by seanD View Post
                    I take it you're also not very privy to economics, particularly global economics.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Paprika View Post
                      I included collapse of civilization in the futurist camp simply because this is the picture that end prophecy presents. But one doesn't need to be a futurist to see this as a plausible scenario if they understood global economics; that the four major economic empires -- US, EU, Japan, China -- are on the brink of breakdown. The only thing sustaining their economies is massive amounts of money printing along with massive amounts of debt on top of massive amounts of more debt. This is unsustainable and cannot last forever, especially in light of growing population ratios and ever decreasing natural resources.


                      • #41
                        Interesting article...

                        According to them, 80% of mobile transactions take place in Africa. Just another example of how inevitable digital currency is becoming; the fact that one of the most underdeveloped countries in the world has widespread access to this technology.


                        • #42
                          After 6 years, Beast system is coming along as expected.

                          As futurists we all knew this was inevitably coming. Even if you're not a futurist, you knew this was eventually coming if you had any wherewithal about current events -- i.e. the Federal Reserve and all other central banks around the world essentially engaging in carte blanche control over their economies by creating trillions in debt, buying government and corporate bonds, allowing the bulk of government spending, etc. -- and how digital technology was gradually shaping our society. It's just sort of breathtaking to watch the evolution in real time and how it actually comes to fruition. Block chain seems to be advancing it further along, and now global central banks are adopting this technology on a grander scale. Right now, it seems to be in the testing phase, which is no surprise since such a global endeavor would be pretty massive...

                          With the global economy racing to embrace digital payments, central banks also are looking to the future and investigating how to support innovation while maintaining monetary policy and financial stability as they issue and distribute currency. In fact, 80 percent of central banks surveyed are engaging in some form of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) work, and about 40 percent of central banks have progressed from conceptual research to experimenting with concept and design, according to a recent survey by the Bank for International Settlements.

                          Today, Mastercard announced a proprietary virtual testing environment for central banks to evaluate CBDC use cases. The platform enables the simulation of issuance, distribution and exchange of CBDCs between banks, financial service providers and consumers. Central banks, commercial banks, and tech and advisory firms are invited to partner with Mastercard to assess CBDC tech designs, validate use cases and evaluate interoperability with existing payment rails available for consumers and businesses today.

                          Mastercard is a leader in operating multiple payment rails and convening partners to ensure a level playing field for everyone – from banks to businesses to mobile network operators – in order to bring the most people possible into the digital economy. Mastercard wants to harness its expertise to enable the practical, safe and secure development of digital currencies.

                          “Central banks have accelerated their exploration of digital currencies with a variety of objectives, from fostering financial inclusion to modernizing the payments ecosystem," said Raj Dhamodharan, Executive Vice President, Digital Asset and Blockchain Products and Partnerships, Mastercard. “Mastercard is driving innovation with the public sector, banks, fintechs, and advisory firms in the exploration of CBDCs, working with partners that are aligned to our core values and principles. This new platform supports central banks as they make decisions now and in the future about the path forward for local and regional economies,” Dhamodharan added.

                          Obviously they were already designing the software and hardware for this monumental project beforehand (something so enormous couldn't have been just designed on the fly), and global crisis was the convenient catalyst to aggressively push it forward. The pandemic panic of 2020 has accelerated the process. Here's another detailed overview that gives reference to this...

                          Given the persistence of the COVID-19 crisis and the potential for a fall resurgence in cases, concomitant curbs in economic activity (i.e., further lockdowns) could unleash a deflationary shock to the economy. Indeed, a demand shock puts significant downward pressure on inflation as producers lose pricing power when consumers stop purchasing because they’ve lost their jobs or cannot go out and spend money in any case. The past several decades provided ample evidence of the negative impact of falling economic activity on prices.

                          Yet the policy implications are what we must keep an eye on as new digital policy tools become available to central bankers. Central banks
                          and other financial institutions appear to be well along in the process of developing CBDCs. In the event of a new demand and disinflation shock, it is likely central banks will use them.


                          • #43
                            Anatomy of the System of the Beast 2021.

                            As a result of a Biden's/Harris WH (and I also suspect, based on what we witnessed in the generals, an eventual majority in both legislative Houses), I expect things to change dramatically from here on out. However, I want to emphasize -- this ISN'T about Biden alone -- lest anyone think this is just political griping in the aftermath. It's not. This is based on things I saw coming down the pike long before Biden and even before the pandemic, like the looming economic meltdown (discussed previously in this thread), the central bank induced wealth disparities and the increasing cries of sociopolitical reform to name three. IOW, things I'll be describing were already heading in this direction.

                            I know this is a VERY LONG post, but the scope here and how this ties into eschatology is massive, so there's a lot to address and I tried to go into as much detail as possible. If you want to skip it because it's way too long, you can check out my forecast summary at the end (Note: I realize how controversial this is and the pushback I'll probably get from other Christians, but if you're going to critically critique anything about my post, I ask that you at least read the information from the links I provide and get up to speed about the facts of this subject -- be knowledgeable about what you're criticizing or I won't respond).

                            The argument from the right is that Biden is weak and frail, in cognitive decline, is probably just a figurehead and will unlikely serve even his first term to its entirety (he did refer to himself as the "transition" president after all). Whether or not that's true though is irrelevant, as now the floodgates are opened. Biden and his mate are not liberal progressives (though Harris pretends to be where it's convenient more than Biden who's more old school), but they are typical neoliberal establishment statists -- in the same vein as Obama and Clinton -- thus, whether it's Biden or Harris, either one will cater to other statists, the plutocracy and global corporate elites. They'll take advantage of the pandemic to get certain radical policies through and yield to the progressive left with socialist programs and programs based on "racial equity" where necessary to keep them satisfied. But their main focus will be global. Initiating radical policy in the name of fighting the pandemic and climate change, he and the progressive left will be in lockstep. He'll even bend to Green New Deal type policy not because it's what the "The Squad" wants, but because it's what the international bankers and elites of the world want (I'll present the documented proof for this in a bit).

                            This is why it's actually bigger than Biden, and this political leftist push isn't just a US thing, but a global push, and this is where eschatology comes into play. The push definitely doesn't favor traditional western democracy or free market capitalism at all (and if they pack the courts, our constitution will likely become all but totally null). However, it's not really socialism in the traditional sense either (hence a probable explanation why the establishment detested Bernie), but a type of modern hybrid disguised as classic socialism that is far worse. Let me explain, because there's a lot to cover.

                            Laying the economic foundation.

                            First of all, international central banks taking unprecedented and coordinated actions to stave off or at least slow down the collapse of their economies is nothing short of monumental. This in and off itself is one of the most extraordinary and abrupt shifts AWAY from capitalism the west has probably ever seen, and I cannot emphasize this enough. What's even more astounding to me (and quite transcendental to be perfectly frank) is most folks are completely clueless about it, nor do they realize how economically consequential this is to what they understood the economy once was and their very livelihoods. Not only do these nuclear central bank actions do little to solve the issues -- i.e. stagnation -- that they're trying to solve, but will likely only exacerbate that issue exponentially in the long term. But the crucial factor here is that it distorts any hope of an even systemic recovery and, because their polices primarily favor the equity market, it creates absurd socioeconomic instability, wealth imbalances and inequality in the US and abroad. The crash of 2008 was the incremental stages of this and we saw the economic consequences even then. 2020 was the grand finale.

                            Ever since the crash of 2008, they've never gone back to monetary normalization... ever... not even close (the Fed and ECB being the only two central banks that somewhat bluffed in 2018-19, but quickly balked), and each subsequent stage of intervention has been bigger than the previous. Ultimately they've engaged in such massive and invasive implementation of credit and debt, they can never pull back the reins without utterly destroying the economic monster they've created. William White, former BIS chief, as astonishing as it is, publicly admitted this, and he said this FOUR years ago. They've all but completely destroyed capitalism permanently and how it naturally functions because they simply can't reverse this. I don't want to go into the intricacies of it any further because I'll get sidetracked, but you'll soon see in this post how convenient of an accident this was (at least we assume it as such, which is a whole other subject) and how it ties into everything else. Here are some more sources:

                            Are Central Banks Destroying Capitalism?

                            Capitalism is Broken because of Central Banks.

                            Not only can international central banks not reverse what they've done (assuming they even want to), but their policy actions are consequently resulting in their unfettered control over whole governments, how they fiscally spend, and are the primary monetary lifeline keeping a vast portion of the populations of the world (individuals and businesses) sustained during this crisis (it's of no small relevance here that Biden picked Janet Yellen, former Federal Reserve head, as his Secretary of Treasury as opposed to someone like Elizabeth Warren previously rumored to be his pick).

                            When you have unelected bankers dictating to lawmakers what policies they should enact, just that alone should sound some alarm bells. What makes this relevant, besides the economic consequences we all face because of this, and how it ties into the main subject of the thread, is that central banks, along with world leaders, are collectively steering towards a more widespread digital means of commerce as a result of this crisis (something I addressed previously in this thread and in another as early as 2015). More details on that in a bit.

                            Triad of crisis.

                            Most of us will agree 2020 was nothing short of extraordinary when it came to unexpected and rapid events. If you're conservative, you probably find this covid phenomenon, how the world just stopped, how the entire world is similarly aggressively reacting to it, and the fact it won't go away kind of strange and inexplicable. Remember when the forced shutdown was just a fifteen day enterprise to "flatten the curve." Then it was several more weeks. One whole year and here we are -- the "new normal."

                            As a result of the atmosphere of crisis we've endured since climate change up to the current pandemic, global elites are literally pushing -- for lack of a better phrase -- an entire new world order that they call the great reset. These are not my words, these are their words (as an aside, "great reset" or "global reset" or "economic reset" were colloquial terms heavily used by economic permabears and "gold and silver stackers," the community of economists that were considered the fringe or "gloom and doomers" years before the WEF ever used that phrase, and you can find their books that predate this subject... but I digress).

                            I suggest you actually read specifically what the World Economic Forum is pushing if you think it's overblown, and realize this is being pushed by other political and global bodies as well. As a result of the WEF article, the phrase "great reset" began to trend on social media and the MSM went into a tizzy. It's quite funny, though not unexpected, to watch them furiously try and gaslight the subject like it's not even a discussion, or associate it in with rightwing theorism to push it into a partisan mire, or tie it in with nuttier conspiracy theories that are easy to debunk. But we know specifically "great reset" it's not even a conspiracy, as it's being openly endorsed for all to see and discuss. The geopolitical clout WEF has -- which includes a steady membership stream of credentialed academics, wealthy moguls, and world leaders -- defies all sense of reason. It's headed by Klaus Schwab, and just his wild ideas alone would justify an entire thread of its own. If you think there are Christian dispensationalists out there with some wild ideas about the future, they have nothing on this guy. He relishes the push to a total technocracy, endorses transhumanism, and has made outlandish predictions about the singularity that would put a lot of youtube conspiracy theories to shame. MSM won't specifically touch this because they can't deny it. I won't go into the details, as all you need to do is search his name and his books to find the sheer whacky ideas this man has proposed. The fact he runs an organization that has the credibility and respect it has among government leaders and academics around the world alone should cause some consternation.

                            Though this leftist "reset" agenda -- and it clearly at least intended to look like a leftist ideology -- is being discussed more candidly because of covid, and you can sense the urgency in the WEF article, it's really just a continuity of UN goals that were creeping under the radar some years ago. UN Sustainable Development was also a push for the restructuring of society by 2030 in a very similar (leftist) fashion, albeit without the pandemic, all for the good of humanity of course. Economic crisis, climate change, and now pandemic are the triad crisis factors they uniformly reference in current writings and speeches and are the factors driving this reform ideology.

                            But it's not just being pushed by the UN, the Davos crowd, and government leaders. Central bank and IMF officials are similarly weighing in on these issues, including "digital economy" innovation (more on that in a bit). Kristalina Georgieva, head of the IMF, had this to say...

                            "And we will have a chance to address some persistent problems — low productivity, slow growth, high inequalities, a looming climate crisis. We can do better than build back the pre-pandemic world – we can build forward to a world that is more resilient, sustainable, and inclusive."

                            Though her words in the article are a bit tamer than the alarmism of the WEF, she's addressing this within this same "reset" context. The Federal Reserve 2020 report doesn't directly use the term "reset," but they distinctly echo the same policy sentiments in relation to this triad crisis (economic instability, climate change, and pandemic). Christine Lagarde not only made similar references to an economic "reset" (keep in mind, the interview was several years ago, so the context wasn't exactly the same), but she's a huge climate change policy advocate, so it should come as no surprise the ECB is planning to engage in probably the most aggressive monetary policy (one could easily argue solicitation) in the name of tackling this issue. Even China, as unique and independent as folks presume they are, is pushing for this multilateral "structural reform," as well as digital innovation they call "global digital governance" in the name of this crisis triad.

                            And as certainly no surprise to many here, the Pope (arguably the most liberal out of all his predecessors), another climate change policy advocate, is also pushing for this reform in his ever so subtle way.

                            The expected US political outcome.

                            When you have some of the wealthiest elites of the world attracted to this "reset" ideology, that should sound alarm bells about the true agenda behind it and even the staunchest liberal progressives should take heed. Do you honestly think this plutocratic nobility care about equality, want to give up their luxury, have the future fortunes of their children stripped, their profit margins hindered by the destruction of their crony capitalist structure, their wealth and assets disseminated only to be subjugated by a socialist collective? I said before, though it's disguised that way, they're not pushing equality and redistribution of wealth as a socialist like Bernie would see it, but a controlled dystopian existence of the lower classes, wrapped in a technocratic framework run by an oligarchy.

                            As I have just documented, this global "reset" agenda based on this triad crisis is coming from all directions, directly in some cases, indirectly in others, now pushed openly in the public from pretty powerful folks, folks that influence political decisions and run the world's biggest economies, and because of the pandemic, "reset" seems to be our inevitable future within the next decade (maybe much sooner).

                            Biden/Harris (with the not so subtle campaign slogan "Build Back Better"), being career establishment statists, will easily yield to these international bankers, global organizations, academic and wealthy elitists (i.e. WEF). And now that it's pretty much a sure thing they're set to take over the executive reins, in order to get to the future the WEF and others are pushing, I expect the Dems to drop an authoritarian boot in the name of the pandemic like we've never seen before in this country (similar to what we're seeing in places like Australia, the EU, and even China) -- and it will particularly negatively affect religious freedom. We saw the Dems do it from a state level. Wait until you see it from a federal level. Don't expect the do-nothing republican senate (assuming they even get the majority, which I have high doubts about now based on the absurdities we saw in the general election) to be much resistance if these actions go to legislative policy outside of just executive order.

                            Biden's "very dark winter" should send chills down your spine of what he's planning. Don't expect things at all to go back to normal. Expect more lockdowns and other obtrusive pandemic mandates. Expect more social violence and disruption caused by those suffering economically, and BLM and other leftist radical movements exploiting it. I'm also not going to pretend the very high likelihood of increased violence from radicals on the political right as well, especially if Biden's policies get particularly authoritarian. It's all going to be one vicious cycle. Even if a federal mandated shutdown doesn't occur (which seems highly likely), the continuance of economic deterioration is simply unavoidable regardless because of underlying issues I described earlier, and Biden's policies will only exacerbate this situation. More economic deterioration and wealth imbalances will result in more unrest and crime, which will result in more killings by police, which will result in more demonstrations, riots, political animosity, street clashes and shootings... wash, rinse, and repeat. This will only make the cries of reset and reform in the US (the country that will probably be the most difficult to convert in this direction) that much louder.

                            Expect more policies driven by cronyism and global trade deals that only benefit mega corporations. Expect climate change and other global alliances that will also only benefit the wealthy nobility, while devastating the lower classes (don't let Biden's head fakes on climate change fool you). Expect consolidations of government power, and more taxes that will devastate American businesses even more than they already are from the shutdown. Expect more "woke" culture, a whole lot more loony progressivism legislation based on intersectionality, PC moral policing, authoritarianism, and censorship. All of this was sweeping across the landscape even before Biden, but now the left has an actual ally in the WH. They're emboldened, so all these things will only intensify. I also expect the purge of alternative journalists and news commentators (especially conservative) on social media and perhaps elsewhere to intensify in the coming years, again following the footsteps of what was already occurring.

                            How does all this specifically tie into the Beast of Rev?

                            If one interprets the lofty actions of Rev 13:16-17 as a literal global event, we're already well into the technological era for its literal possibility. The problem is realistically initiating the policy, especially as collectively as it's described ("And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond..."), and this can't just smoothly happen overnight. There has to be some catalyzing situation that is mutually shared by the whole world, particularly a crisis event that causes fear and uncertainty, creates global civic and economic disruption, undermines protectionism, nationalism, and populism (note how detested these notions are to the left, so it comes as no surprise the global elites too see it as threat), and forces international bodies to pull together in the reconstruction of this new system (as expected, the UN and WEF see pandemic as underscoring multilateralism, and with Biden now at the helm, this is pretty much a guarantee).

                            I've always suspected global economic collapse to be that event and knew climate change in conjunction would somehow steer our society towards a type of post-industrial reconstruction in the aftermath, but I never suspected pandemic as a major catalyst. The pandemic is apparently the thrust for these major changes, and so it comes as no shock to me how aggressive countries are initiating the most draconian measures ever used in the western developed world in the name of this pandemic, policies so radical and totalitarian it even necessitated a response from the UN.

                            Regardless of the arguments by the right and left about the severity of the pandemic and just how legitimate the severity is being represented, beyond a doubt, it's being used as the "never let a good crisis go to waste" opportunity to aggressively push these radical "reset" reforms into action. This is not my claim. You read the written proclamation of the world elites, so you know this is from their own words -- "The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future" ("Now is the Time For a 'Great Reset'").

                            Obviously, to position for a social and economic "great reset," the old system has to be deconstructed and replaced, and this will cause untold pain and devastation, particularly to the lower classes. Whether one wants to see an intentional connection here or not, the indisputable fact is that the drastic authoritarian measures in the name of the pandemic (i.e. shutdown) devastate economies, which results in a quicker and more pronounced collapse that causes worse overall consequences to individual health and wellbeing and even higher death rates (presumably to usher in reforms to reshape or restructure "a better" economic and social system in its place). Smaller businesses and entrepreneurship bite the dust, while mega corporations become monopolized and more powerful (thus the shrinking business landscape becomes easier to marshal these reforms). There's also the added effect of forcing vast portions of the populace to their economic knees where they must solely rely on government for their survival (which positions government with even greater leverage, power, and control over the populace).

                            Whether it's specifically covid or some other pandemic on the near horizon, I believe pandemic will be the driving force for these "reset" goals from here on out. The fear and devastation it induces gets the immediate results needed to make these radical policies come to fruition, and since the push for these goals are accelerating, I don't expect pandemic and the mandates brought on by pandemic to die out anytime soon even if there is an eventual vaccine. In fact, I expect things to intensify. On top of this societal "reset" restructuring that I expect we'll see being pushed in the coming years, I also expect a push to a centralized digital currency, and this is where these two subjects fit together. This is clearly the direction we were already heading just from the evolution of technology, and the world of pandemic is only accelerating it.

                            Not only are central banks -- who for all intents and purposes essentially now control the direction of economies moving forward -- collectively embracing digital innovation (discussed here), but all you need is do an online search of "digital currency covid" or "digital currency pandemic" and you will come across dozens of articles from credible sources either pushing for it or acknowledging its inevitability, and that it needs to happen worldwide (example).

                            The Beast system, or the system Before the Beast?

                            Will this be THE system of the Beast, or are we merely moving more steps up the ladder in that direction? I'm honestly still not sure, and I'm not going to pretend that I am, but I firmly believe we're getting closer to that final revelation stage. I base this belief on several factors: considering how cascading global events are moving; how devastating this economic collapse has already been worldwide and its potential subsequent devastation; how coordinated the pandemic mandates are globally; the unprecedented position and power the central banks now have in relation to the global economy with zero opposition; how advanced and consolidating our technology is becoming; the push by multiple credible sources for centralized digitalization; the push by influential global elites for multilateralism and a radical reconstructing of the entire system; the astounding cacophony of lawlessness, deception, and overall political discord I saw displayed in 2020 and that I'm sure we'll see magnified in subsequent years; and of course, a bit of eschatological bias on my part.

                            Realistically, the steps to get there are quite small. Even now, everyone at least in the developed world has access to this technology -- from the richest to the poorest (even the homeless have EBT cards and free government 4G smartphones -- though the article link is current, these phones were already accessible to the poor about a decade prior). Secondly, the world apparently is nearly there already -- supposedly only 8% of global currency exists as physical cash-- so making it more widely accessible on a consumer level while phasing out that 8% is not that great of a leap. I suspect pandemic crisis will take it over the final hump.

                            A digital dystopia in spite of the Beast.

                            When considering how the political left embraces these authoritarian government actions (even when Trump was at the helm!), no matter how intrusive, and how fervent, almost militant they attack anyone questioning climate change policy or the severity of the pandemic scare, it's apparent that they will be fully on board with any future reforms no matter how radical or drastic, whether wittingly or unwittingly, as long as they perceive it as "for the good of humanity." As a Christian, particularly if you're conservative, even if you don't subscribe to futurism and believe a literal Rev 13 fulfillment is absurd, all this should still be of notable importance to you -- not only the fact powerful and influential global bodies are openly pushing for a radical leftist agenda of the economy and society (including Biden), and using pandemic to do it, but the push to a digital currency.

                            It's a double whammy. If commerce becomes entirely digital, the type of centralized power and control that will allow for even greater leaps towards these "reset" goals will be unprecedented. I think it goes without saying how oppressive such a system will end up being, especially in light of the fact the goals being pushed align with leftist progressivism (at least on the surface) and a very secular ideology which is typically hostile and downright intolerant of Christian beliefs and values.

                            Think of it this way: If the world was successfully forced into sheltering in place, mask wearing, social distancing compliance, and social events like church gatherings forcibly shuttered or disrupted out of fear alone, imagine how easy it will be to steer the populace into compliance once a monetary digital system is in place and it's centralized. Don't comply, then we shut off your means to eat, simple as that. There certainly may be legal barriers to this, but there is no constitutional provision that allows government bodies to force the populace to shelter in place either, and yet they did it, and we followed suit.

                            It doesn't even really have to be instituted with brute governmental force at first because it could happen just from the pressure of practical necessity, followed by a gradual phase-out of traditional transactions. Stores and companies (at least the ones left standing in the pandemic aftermath) stop accepting cash in the name of keeping their customers and patrons safe from the pandemic for example, then you're options are suddenly limited. Government provides a means to access this digital currency apparatus for those who can't and thus it gradually becomes more and more practical and less menacing, then eventually moves from practical to mandatory.

                            I can even see a scenario where world governments don't have to use direct force, but provide businesses exclusive access to rescue funds during shutdown as long as they adopt this digital apparatus that replaces traditional transactions, and those that refuse don't get government bail-outs (and eventually fail), thus as the business field is culled, this forces the rest of the populace to adhere to this new transaction system.

                            I also believe vaccine digital verification certificates or "immunity passports" will come into play in all this sometime in the near future that will add incentive (or coercion) to comply with these radical policies (discussed here). I could even see a hypothetical where these certificates or passports not only exclude portions of society without it (the "disease risk"), but allow you to use them for special consumer perks, and perhaps even as a type of digital currency when government is forced to intervene and provide emergency funds.

                            My four year forecast summary for the US.

                            - Pandemic is here to stay, and even if Covid goes away, a worse pandemic will take its place soon after.
                            - Pandemic enforced mandates will not let up either in the US or abroad (if current mandates let up, it will only be replaced with newer mandates -- i.e. mandatory vaccine, immunization verification, etc.).
                            - Biden will resort to executive order to enforce radical ("reset") multilateral policies and reforms (assuming the Dems don't get a senate majority).
                            - Political division and conflict will worsen.
                            - Economy will worsen (especially for the lower classes).
                            - Social unrest will worsen.
                            - Biden will use executive orders to try and regain order in the US as a result of increased social unrest.
                            - Digital verification immunization will come to the forefront in discussions and debates (and how to specifically deal with the constitutional aspects of it being mandatory).
                            - Digital currency will also become predominant (with much scoffing in the MSM about public paranoia of the "the mark of the beast").

                            So buckle up. I suspect what we saw in 2020 is just a taste of what's coming in the next four or so years. Is it the rise of the Beast? I don't know, but it's a situation we need to pay attention to. If you're a Christian, you should be mindful of all this regardless of your eschatology. However, I should stress, if you are Christian, being mindful doesn't mean you have to fear or panic about it, and that's not at all what these threads are about, especially since this won't come unexpectedly to you if all this I've outlined does come to fruition.
                            Last edited by seanD; 12-01-2020, 08:08 PM.


                            • #44
                              So far:

                              - Pandemic is here to stay, and even if Covid goes away, a worse pandemic will take its place soon after.
                              - Pandemic enforced mandates will not let up either in the
                              US or abroad (if current mandates let up, it will only be replaced with newer mandates -- i.e. mandatory vaccine, immunization verification, etc.).
                              - Biden will resort to executive order to enforce radical ("reset") multilateral policies and reforms (assuming the Dems don't get a senate majority).
                              - Political division and conflict will worsen.
                              - Economy will worsen (especially for the lower classes).
                              - Social unrest will worsen.
                              - Biden will use executive orders to try and regain order in the
                              US as a result of increased social unrest.
                              - Digital verification immunization will come to the forefront in discussions and debates (and how to specifically deal with the constitutional aspects of it being mandatory).
                              - Digital currency will also become predominant (with much scoffing in the MSM about public paranoia of the "the mark of the beast").

                              We're just barely leaving 2020 so it's a bit premature, but considering this news is already affecting certain countries and forcing them to impose new mandates as a direct result -- Check.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by seanD View Post
                                So far:

                                - Pandemic is here to stay, and even if Covid goes away, a worse pandemic will take its place soon after.
                                - Pandemic enforced mandates will not let up either in the
                                US or abroad (if current mandates let up, it will only be replaced with newer mandates -- i.e. mandatory vaccine, immunization verification, etc.).
                                - Biden will resort to executive order to enforce radical ("reset") multilateral policies and reforms (assuming the Dems don't get a senate majority).
                                - Political division and conflict will worsen.
                                - Economy will worsen (especially for the lower classes).
                                - Social unrest will worsen.
                                - Biden will use executive orders to try and regain order in the
                                US as a result of increased social unrest.
                                - Digital verification immunization will come to the forefront in discussions and debates (and how to specifically deal with the constitutional aspects of it being mandatory).
                                - Digital currency will also become predominant (with much scoffing in the MSM about public paranoia of the "the mark of the beast").

                                We're just barely leaving 2020 so it's a bit premature, but considering this news is already affecting certain countries and forcing them to impose new mandates as a direct result -- Check.
                                Only 10 days into 2021. Needless to say, Check and Check.


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