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Glory Seed Devotional, 07/24/2015

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  • Glory Seed Devotional, 07/24/2015

    Glory Seed Devotionals, 2015: Year of Promise

    Jesus you are my source of strength!
    I am weak, but my faith in your strength is strong.

    I may wonder why I become weak or why difficulties happen but I'll never wonder about the depth of your love for me.

    I rejoice in my weaknesses because through them I've come to know you.

    Jesus you are my Lifeline!
    Without you I am but a body with a heartbeat, just a little higher than an animal.

    But with you I am a valued child of God.

    Because of you Satan is jealous and seeks to take me away from you.

    But I am not afraid because I know you are my Lifeline, my connection with God the Father.

    Jesus you are my eyes!
    I need to see with spiritual eyes because I need to see into the hearts of people to see their pain, to see their weaknesses.

    I need to see the path upon which I can walk that enables me to witness to them your love, your strength, and your compassion.

    Jesus you are my hands!
    I need to see life from the cross.

    I need to look at my hands and see that they are the hands of a servant giving his life so others may live.

    I need to look at my hands and feel your pain and in some small way become apart of the Father's eternal plan.

    Jesus I need your heart!
    I need your heart so that I may center every waking breath proclaiming your life, your breath, your death and resurrection to those whose hearts are of stone.

    I need your heart because it is the center of your compassion and the center where forgiveness flows freely.

  • #2
    Super duper Amen Gary!!! Just what I needed to read when my trust was faltering.
    3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures --1 Corinthians 15:3-4 (borrowed with gratitude from 37818's sig)


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